Friday, May 1, 2009

i am half a lunatic

holy god, i'm so scared of myself right now
i started working on my play earlier (around midnight, really it's 8am already? i've been sitting in the same chair since then? k) and i didn't go out, and i got through ten solid pages, wrapped up two scenes, not too awful at all actually even better than i thought id do....
then after that i took a break, chilled out on the carpet ate chips ahoy etc etc. worked on my production book, strategized how i was going to handle the rest of the play and what direction i wanted it to go and blahblahblah....BUT.
i got my second wind, nabbed it and went back to work on it at like 3.
now it's 8am and i have no idea wtf i was doing for five hours, but apparently some lunatic inside me wrote ten more pages AND EVERY SINGLE ONE IS ABSOLUTE MANIACAL SHIT
oh my god
i have never tweaked so hard in my entire life
i just spent three hours on shitty shit that's crazy and scary and i can't even use. at all. for anything unless in the future i want to write a play about a schizophrenic narrator in worn out flannel. THREE HOURS LATER!!!!!!! HUH????????? IS THERE A YEERK IN MY BRAIN???????????? WTF WTF BYE

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