Sunday, February 22, 2009

things i have to say but can't find a way to thread them together:

- i never realized how awful the lyrics to the carmen sandiego theme song were. judge for yourself....... HERE
- was oddly nostalgic, so i went on
- silver spurs diner? IT RULES.
- all this hype about kate's oscar makes me want her to lose. might be me holding a grudge because i never saw the reader
- the actual definition of the word "downtrodden" is: oppressed or treated badly by people in power. may still hold true, but not as a synonym for "melancholy".
- f entourage. most overrated show in america. it always sound like dead air to me, i don't get what I AM MISSING!!!!!!
- devendra banhart, i spent a year thinking you were cool, but now i've come to realize, you piss me off
- los angeles = palm trees (some assembly required)
- i hate that walk for 4,492,572 different reasons.
- it makes me almost cry
- that is a very deliberate 'almost', because i forget how to actually follow through with it
- neekapz r weird!!!111oneoneone
- bad sex really is worse than other awful things. like syphilis
- when i think "happy childhood".... i think "douglas yancy funnie"
- never met so many lame foreign dudes at once, GOOD JOB WoWoWoW!!!
- this is self-indulgent and rude, but i also forget how to apologize. and i wanted my coffee hot, not iced. today has no soundtrack. just the radiatoRrrRrRrrr.

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