Friday, January 30, 2009

nada y pues nada y pues nadada da da dadadadadaadada

O, HEY, WUZZUP? i woke up twenty minutes ago with my right hand fast asleep, and it legitimately took me five minutes to revive it. it felt like a sad dead snake and i had to slap it like 80 times to resurrect any feeling in it. WORST THING EVER!!! i then stared at it for another five minutes thinking about how my life would be if i had to get it amputated. it took me five minutes to recognize that, as much as i tried to glorify it in my head, it would really suck, having one hand, chunooo? uh my mornings are especially slow. but if you want honesty, then that's a true ass account of how i spent the very beginning of my day.

speaking of dead snakes n hands n shit, how is bear grylls real? answer: he isn't! if you don't watch man vs. wild, you should. i am not eloquent enough right now to convince you that it is the best show in the entire world, but take my word anyway: it is. he should market his sheeping bag... i'm down. da next slanket, bb.

my room is disgusting me so much right now that i'm chillin' in the dark so i don't have to look at the mess. ahyep. for the outside-of-nyc world-- sorry i've been MIA. i forgot how busy life gets when classes start. i'm just doing this to kill time. i'm 100% aware of how you felt after reading this-- USELESS.  good. my job is done. gbye

Saturday, January 24, 2009

there's this thing now thats drivin me wild

i gotta see what's up before it gets me down

k, SO: newark penn station at 3 in the morning ain't that cute.

neither are sixth grade literacy teachers with pubes on their face

or the late night PATH

but s'all good. 

Monday, January 19, 2009

i dare you to look through these and not feel a single
thing. you can't doit.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

it feels soo gooood to be BACK (and that was an eminem quote. just gettin the word out there)

yaO! so i'm back, semi-unpacked, chillin at carlyle like no big. i'm not even feeling the bars right now... but will in like an hour. call me lame but i am straight up enjoying being back and settled and sitting on my bed and BLOGGING and shit.  i'm nnnot so thankful that the coffee i spilled this morning onto my dining room table seeped through the left-hand electrical outlets on my macbook, but very thankful that it is still working. it's only had one spasm-- thus far. good boy! i guess that's a MEGGGGA red flag to back up my shit, but my computer won't recognize my external hard drive (soooOOper gay). i saved the importants (screenplay + play, both of which are due too soon) on dr.j's usb port (i can never find mine when i need it, COOL!!!...k done with the parenthesis) and will have to cross my heart that all the little documents...poems and music and shit like that... hold on tight til i either a) figure out what's doing with my hard drive or b) find my usb port, who knows what will come first. PLEASE MACKYBOOK DON'T DIE ON ME ... AGAIN...INEEDUUU...!!!!!

how is my slanket even more awesome at school? idk. that question was not for anybody to answer. except me. anyways, i am pointedly cutting down on the ganj smoking this semester. and i'm serious about it. i'm not a productive high person; i never was. i think a lot when i'm high, but that's about it... and then i write it down on a napkin or something and wake up the next morning and can't read my own handwriting-- uhh that was an overexaggeration/bad joke. but regardless, mark my words folks, cuz the times they are a-changin'!!! woooooooopppp

MMMMMMM. the beginning of the semester is my favorite part of the year. it's because i'm a die hard idealist and this is the absolute best time to be one-- when nothing's happened yet and there's nothing you could have possibly already fucked up and anything at all is possible, so you're just chillin'. CHILLIN. 4EV. K BYE.

(and it comes twice a year!!!!!!!)

Friday, January 16, 2009

crush my heart with a hammer/make a purer one/babyloonnnn...

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! so, currently jamming to transistor, and i don't give a shit what any of you say, i love 311. they are dirrtaYy and forever my favorite. take that radioheadheads.


Thursday, January 15, 2009

industry rule number 4,080: record company people r SHAAADY! (and omg this autosaves!)

one of my more important (and more private) new years resolutions was to stop hating on humanity. i'm sometimes embarrassed with myself at how low my expectations are w. the general public. it isn't a self-defense mechanism nor is it me trying to distinguish myself from the rest of the world. it's just that the little things people do... or the way they carry themselves or the things they say... generally disappoint me. idk. but it isn't really humanity i hate on i've come to learn... it's society, a vessel in which spewing hatred into is i guess a lot more realistic (and justified). so i'm not reeeaally a misanthrope... more like a plain old cynic. either way i'm trying to snap myself out of it and enjoy the beauty in crowds and trends. trying to find weird phenomenons fascinating instead of putrid..

but before i do that i'd just like to showcase my disgust for THE NEW PETA ADS. 
don't get me wrong. i hate PETA all the time. i'm not disappointed in them or anything like that, because i totally expect every single thing they do-- from that time they turned their website into a tasteless virtual flour-hurling video game that showcased the Olsen twins as mink-wearing zombies, to ACTUALLY advertising a PETA COFFIN that says on the lid in obnoxious capitals "TOLD YOU I WOULDN'T BE CAUGHT DEAD IN FUR!".... seeeeriouslyyyyy????!!!!). i get it, they're extremists, and i'm generally passive-aggressive. if that's what it takes to get their point across, fine. do what you want, vegan weirdos, i'm still eating sssicken while staring at your disgusting advert featuring the ugly Kardashian sister's naked airbrushed back. hi, at least that one made me never want to eat again. 

i'm not saying by any means that i hate animals either. i love animals. i recognize that they're smarter than us and they chill harder. especially doggies... which brings me to this:  is PETA really advocating the neutering of housepets? I'M ACTUALLY SHOCKED. dassa surprise to me. i figured they'd find any kind of dabbling with the manhood or womanhood of a living thing grotesque. but apparently not, because from this ad in can be inferred that PETA assumes that if your little Spottie isn't spayed, it will run rampant through the streets and impregnate all the strays it comes in contact with, resulting in a quick stint at the pound and a lot of dead puppies. which isn't necessarily true, but ok, they're on to something here. i give them credit for not being entirely insane. but hold on-- WHAT'S WITH THE ATTACK STANCE??? not surprised of course, but really, 'have the balls to fix your dog.' (and in spanish too, it would have been funnier in english..) it isn't at all ballsy to neuter your pet-- it'd be ballsy to NOT neuter your dog in order to protect its manhood and live with its incessant humping for the rest of its life. right??? wouldn't you expect peta to advertise the opposite??? this ad is like actually demeaning to normal people who have every intention of getting their cat/dog/wombat spayed or neutered. so see, i'm on the people's side with this one. PETA is just str8 up rude and condescending all the time, no matter what they do. which is why they annoy the hell out of me. the one time i semi-agree with one of their views i still feel insulted by their stupid In Ur faYcE ads. k, i'm done. ugh PETA go to hell. i will now move on and continue on my quest to love&embrace every aspect of the world.

(but i will give them 1 e-prop, cuz they use Mickey Rourke and i really want to see The Wrestler.)


Tuesday, January 13, 2009

zomg wtf stidrill gots a blog lolz.

BLOGGER STIDRILL!!!!... i ain't no fan of blogging but i figured why not, to complement my new gmail account and all. yo, gmail actually is really cool, i regret boycotting it for the past three years. don't h8 on what you don't undastand.  i already keep a journal (damn straight i do, it's about the only consistent thing i've done ... in my entire life) but who knows if i'll have time to write in it come next tuesday (note: no. i won't. stidrill who are you kidding?!) so i figured if something's online i'll be more likely to update it.

did you hear that logic? me neither. horrendous. but we'll see.

going back to ny on friday. classes start the 20th, which will be a crazy day anyways because of inauguration. i already received like 5 e-mails from tisch letting me know that i can watch obama being sworn in on the 9th floor, in the lobby, on the roof, while swimming, and wherever i choose to do so there will be FREE SNAX & DRANX!!! this is what i mean when i say it must be difficult to be anything but a liberal at NYU. poor things. 'fun' was not listed on the mccain/palin ticket.

so YEH, decided to be proactive about this summer yesterday. e-mailed theatres in the seattle area to see about production internships... film companies in portland... and publishers/film companies in manhattan. i have this urgent need to abandon the east coast and chill in the northwest for a while so that's why i'm looking at seattle/portland. honestly either of the two are fine. of course my parents want manhattan, because it's close, and everything's here anyway so why would you want to go that far away? blah blah, BECAUSE I'M NEVER SATISFIED, that's why. i can't deal with new york all the time. especially in the summer when it's straight up GROSS. new york in the winter, autumn, springtime, fine: new york in the summer, just not in its element. i need somewhere greener. "IDC WHERE JUST FARRRRRRRRRR"

i haven't done much this break at all except journal and read... need to get some serious work done on my screenplay, and finalize my spring09 schedule soon... 

so this is where i make book recs/pretend i'm really literary even though i'm not: read vonnegut's Deadeye Dick. i don't know how i hadn't read it before but it's awesome, just like the rest of his shit--(i realized that i tend to read Vonnegut's shit like a mystery... i never find myself getting emotionally attached to his characters but still end up enjoying his books so much. it's the tone/diction that's phenomenal...plot second, characters third...) Revolutionary Road by Richard Yates, really really beautiful. it reads like a bestseller but it's actually quality writing-- plus the movie :). Disgrace by J.M. Coetzee-- good plot. and well-written. but that's it. i really don't have anything else to say about it. i wish i did though. uhhhhhhh- i'm currently reading The Mysteries of Pittsburgh, Michael Chabon's first novel (1988)-- and uh chabon's mad talented das all. this is the first book of his i'm reading though... can see what all the commotion was about. it has that same appeal that Catcher or On the Road had on young people... that whole "i'm young everything's brilliant nothing can stop me or my new and bombass opinions on lifeWEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!" but is, iMhO, much better crafted than both of them (which, i guess, doesn't take much.) anyways those are my half-assed (IF that) opinions on the books i've read over break. 

adam time. still on my cool list. wish us luck and shit. 
will update.....whenever

** OH WAIT!!! i forgot about Play it as it Lays!!! F everything else i said and read that. by joan didion. who is cooler than joyce carol oates because she's not as neurotic... and just as skinny. f-in' crazy.