Tuesday, January 13, 2009

zomg wtf stidrill gots a blog lolz.

BLOGGER STIDRILL!!!!... i ain't no fan of blogging but i figured why not, to complement my new gmail account and all. yo, gmail actually is really cool, i regret boycotting it for the past three years. don't h8 on what you don't undastand.  i already keep a journal (damn straight i do, it's about the only consistent thing i've done ... in my entire life) but who knows if i'll have time to write in it come next tuesday (note: no. i won't. stidrill who are you kidding?!) so i figured if something's online i'll be more likely to update it.

did you hear that logic? me neither. horrendous. but we'll see.

going back to ny on friday. classes start the 20th, which will be a crazy day anyways because of inauguration. i already received like 5 e-mails from tisch letting me know that i can watch obama being sworn in on the 9th floor, in the lobby, on the roof, while swimming, and wherever i choose to do so there will be FREE SNAX & DRANX!!! this is what i mean when i say it must be difficult to be anything but a liberal at NYU. poor things. 'fun' was not listed on the mccain/palin ticket.

so YEH, decided to be proactive about this summer yesterday. e-mailed theatres in the seattle area to see about production internships... film companies in portland... and publishers/film companies in manhattan. i have this urgent need to abandon the east coast and chill in the northwest for a while so that's why i'm looking at seattle/portland. honestly either of the two are fine. of course my parents want manhattan, because it's close, and everything's here anyway so why would you want to go that far away? blah blah, BECAUSE I'M NEVER SATISFIED, that's why. i can't deal with new york all the time. especially in the summer when it's straight up GROSS. new york in the winter, autumn, springtime, fine: new york in the summer, just not in its element. i need somewhere greener. "IDC WHERE JUST FARRRRRRRRRR"

i haven't done much this break at all except journal and read... need to get some serious work done on my screenplay, and finalize my spring09 schedule soon... 

so this is where i make book recs/pretend i'm really literary even though i'm not: read vonnegut's Deadeye Dick. i don't know how i hadn't read it before but it's awesome, just like the rest of his shit--(i realized that i tend to read Vonnegut's shit like a mystery... i never find myself getting emotionally attached to his characters but still end up enjoying his books so much. it's the tone/diction that's phenomenal...plot second, characters third...) Revolutionary Road by Richard Yates, really really beautiful. it reads like a bestseller but it's actually quality writing-- plus the movie :). Disgrace by J.M. Coetzee-- good plot. and well-written. but that's it. i really don't have anything else to say about it. i wish i did though. uhhhhhhh- i'm currently reading The Mysteries of Pittsburgh, Michael Chabon's first novel (1988)-- and uh chabon's mad talented das all. this is the first book of his i'm reading though... can see what all the commotion was about. it has that same appeal that Catcher or On the Road had on young people... that whole "i'm young everything's brilliant nothing can stop me or my new and bombass opinions on lifeWEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!" but is, iMhO, much better crafted than both of them (which, i guess, doesn't take much.) anyways those are my half-assed (IF that) opinions on the books i've read over break. 

adam time. still on my cool list. wish us luck and shit. 
will update.....whenever

** OH WAIT!!! i forgot about Play it as it Lays!!! F everything else i said and read that. by joan didion. who is cooler than joyce carol oates because she's not as neurotic... and just as skinny. f-in' crazy. 

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