Saturday, January 17, 2009

it feels soo gooood to be BACK (and that was an eminem quote. just gettin the word out there)

yaO! so i'm back, semi-unpacked, chillin at carlyle like no big. i'm not even feeling the bars right now... but will in like an hour. call me lame but i am straight up enjoying being back and settled and sitting on my bed and BLOGGING and shit.  i'm nnnot so thankful that the coffee i spilled this morning onto my dining room table seeped through the left-hand electrical outlets on my macbook, but very thankful that it is still working. it's only had one spasm-- thus far. good boy! i guess that's a MEGGGGA red flag to back up my shit, but my computer won't recognize my external hard drive (soooOOper gay). i saved the importants (screenplay + play, both of which are due too soon) on dr.j's usb port (i can never find mine when i need it, COOL!!!...k done with the parenthesis) and will have to cross my heart that all the little documents...poems and music and shit like that... hold on tight til i either a) figure out what's doing with my hard drive or b) find my usb port, who knows what will come first. PLEASE MACKYBOOK DON'T DIE ON ME ... AGAIN...INEEDUUU...!!!!!

how is my slanket even more awesome at school? idk. that question was not for anybody to answer. except me. anyways, i am pointedly cutting down on the ganj smoking this semester. and i'm serious about it. i'm not a productive high person; i never was. i think a lot when i'm high, but that's about it... and then i write it down on a napkin or something and wake up the next morning and can't read my own handwriting-- uhh that was an overexaggeration/bad joke. but regardless, mark my words folks, cuz the times they are a-changin'!!! woooooooopppp

MMMMMMM. the beginning of the semester is my favorite part of the year. it's because i'm a die hard idealist and this is the absolute best time to be one-- when nothing's happened yet and there's nothing you could have possibly already fucked up and anything at all is possible, so you're just chillin'. CHILLIN. 4EV. K BYE.

(and it comes twice a year!!!!!!!)

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